Professional Janitorial Services vs. In-House Cleaning : How to Make the right choice.

Maintaining a clean and tidy workplace is essential for the success of any business. However, choosing the right approach to cleaning can be a challenging decision. Should you invest in professional janitorial services or opt for in-house cleaning? In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when deciding between professional janitorial services vs. in-house cleaning. By examining the benefits and drawbacks of each option, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business’s unique needs and goals.

Expertise and Efficiency:

Professional janitorial services bring expertise and specialized knowledge to the table. Trained cleaning professionals understand the most effective techniques and use industry-leading equipment and products to deliver exceptional results. They stay up-to-date with the latest cleaning practices, ensuring a thorough and efficient cleaning process. In contrast, relying on in-house cleaning may not always guarantee the same level of expertise, as employees may not have the same training or access to advanced cleaning tools.

Cost Considerations:

When considering the cost aspect, it’s important to evaluate both short-term and long-term expenses. While in-house cleaning may seem cost-effective at first glance, it often involves additional costs such as hiring and training cleaning staff, purchasing cleaning supplies, and maintaining cleaning equipment. On the other hand, janitorial services provide a comprehensive package that includes all necessary resources, eliminating the need for separate investments. By outsourcing cleaning tasks, you can allocate resources more efficiently and potentially save on long-term expenses.

Flexibility and Convenience:

Janitorial services offer a high degree of flexibility and convenience. Cleaning companies can accommodate your business’s schedule, whether you need cleaning services during working hours or after hours. They provide a consistent cleaning routine and can adjust their services based on your changing needs. In contrast, in-house cleaning may pose challenges in terms of availability, especially during peak hours or when additional cleaning is required due to special events or circumstances.

Quality Assurance and Accountability:

Professional cleaning companies prioritize quality assurance and take responsibility for the cleanliness of your premises. They typically have service level agreements in place, ensuring that cleaning tasks are carried out to the highest standards. This includes regular inspections, performance evaluations, and addressing any issues promptly. In-house cleaning may lack the same level of accountability, as oversight and quality control measures may be less formalized.

Focus on Core Business Activities:

By outsourcing cleaning tasks to professionals, you allow your employees to focus on their core responsibilities and expertise. This can lead to increased productivity and improved employee satisfaction. When cleaning duties are assigned to in-house staff, it can create distractions and potentially detract from their primary roles. Outsourcing cleaning tasks allows your team to stay focused on strategic business activities, leading to better overall performance.


Choosing between janitorial services and in-house cleaning requires careful consideration of various factors. While in-house cleaning may offer some level of control, professional janitorial services bring expertise, efficiency, and convenience to the table. By outsourcing your cleaning needs, you can ensure a consistently clean and healthy work environment, while also freeing up resources for core business activities. Evaluate your business’s unique requirements and goals to make an informed decision that will contribute to the success and productivity of your organization.

Learn more about the services E & J Cleaning Services can provide your business here

The 5 Transformative Benefits of Professional Janitorial Services

A clean and well-maintained office space is crucial for productivity, employee morale, and creating a positive impression on clients and visitors. To achieve and maintain a pristine workplace, many businesses are turning to professional janitorial services. In this article, we will explore the top five benefits of hiring commercial janitorial services for your office, ensuring a clean and healthy environment that boosts productivity and enhances your business’s reputation.

1. Enhanced Cleanliness and Hygiene:

Maintaining a high level of cleanliness and hygiene in the office is essential, especially considering the impact of the ongoing pandemic. Commercial janitorial services go beyond surface-level cleaning by employing trained staff, specialized equipment, and effective cleaning techniques. They ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection, reducing the risk of germs, allergens, and pollutants that can affect employee health and well-being. By creating a healthy work environment, commercial janitorial services help minimize sick leaves and improve overall productivity. A study conducted by the ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association) revealed that cleaner workplaces can reduce employee sick days by 46%.

2. Time and Cost Savings

According to a survey by the American Management Association, 90% of employees believe that a clean and well-maintained office is important for their productivity and job satisfaction. Outsourcing cleaning tasks to professionals saves your business valuable time and resources. Rather than burdening your employees with cleaning responsibilities, they can focus on their core tasks, leading to increased efficiency and job satisfaction. Additionally, professional janitorial services bring their own equipment, tools, and cleaning supplies, eliminating the need for your business to invest in costly maintenance supplies. This saves you money while ensuring that the cleaning is done with the right tools and products.

3. Expertise and Experience:

Commercial janitorial services employ trained and experienced staff who understand the best practices and techniques for effective cleaning. They stay up-to-date with industry standards and regulations, ensuring compliance and safety. With their expertise, they can handle various cleaning tasks, including carpet cleaning, window washing, and floor maintenance. Their knowledge of different surfaces and materials ensures that proper cleaning methods are applied, extending the lifespan of your office assets and reducing the need for repairs or replacements.

4. Consistent and Reliable Service:

One of the significant advantages of hiring professional janitorial services is the assurance of consistent and reliable cleaning. They work on predetermined schedules tailored to your office’s needs, ensuring that your space is consistently clean and well-maintained. Moreover, professional janitorial companies prioritize attention to detail, addressing all areas of your office, including high-touch surfaces, restrooms, breakrooms, and common areas. Their commitment to quality ensures a consistently clean and inviting environment for your employees and visitors.

5. Customized Cleaning Solutions:

Every office has unique cleaning requirements, and professional janitorial services understand the importance of customized solutions. They work closely with you to determine your specific cleaning needs and create a tailored plan accordingly. Whether your office requires daily, weekly, or monthly cleaning services, professional janitorial companies offer flexibility in scheduling to accommodate your business operations. They adapt their services to different industries and can handle specialized cleaning tasks specific to your office environment.


Investing in professional commercial janitorial services offers numerous benefits for your office. From ensuring cleanliness and hygiene to saving time and costs, professional cleaners bring expertise, reliability, and customized solutions. By outsourcing your office cleaning needs, you can create a healthier and more productive work environment, leaving a positive impression on your employees, clients, and visitors. Consider partnering with a reputable janitorial service provider in Suffolk County, NY, to enjoy these benefits and take your office cleanliness to new heights

E & J Cleaning Services provides Commercial Professional Janitorial Services Contact us today for a free customized cleaning proposal!

Professional Janitorial Services

10 Tips On How To Create A Safe And Healthy Workplace

As businesses continue to prioritize the health and safety of their employees, maintaining a clean and hygienic workplace is more important than ever. A clean office not only looks professional, but it can also help reduce the spread of germs and illness, leading to a safer and healthier workplace for everyone. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with 10 office cleaning tips to help create a safe and healthy workplace.

Our 10 tips to create a safe and healthy workplace

  1. Develop a cleaning plan: Having a cleaning plan in place will help ensure that all areas of your office are being regularly cleaned and disinfected. This includes high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and keyboards.
  2. Use the right cleaning products: It’s important to use the right cleaning products to effectively kill germs and bacteria. Look for products that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and follow the instructions on the label.
  3. Don’t forget about carpets and floors: Carpets and floors can harbor bacteria and dirt, so it’s important to regularly vacuum and mop these areas. Consider hiring a professional cleaning company to deep clean your carpets periodically.
  4. Encourage hand hygiene: Provide hand sanitizer and encourage employees to wash their hands regularly. This can help reduce the spread of germs and illness.
  5. Keep a well-stocked cleaning supply closet: Ensure that you have all the necessary cleaning supplies on hand, including disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and paper towels.
  6. Use air purifiers: Air purifiers can help filter out airborne particles and improve air quality in your office.
  7. Create a clean desk policy: Encourage employees to keep their desks clean and free of clutter. This can help reduce the spread of germs and make cleaning easier.
  8. Keep the kitchen clean: The office kitchen is a high-traffic area and can harbor germs and bacteria. Encourage employees to clean up after themselves and regularly sanitize high-touch areas such as the refrigerator and microwave.
  9. Clean and disinfect shared equipment: Shared equipment such as printers and copiers can be a breeding ground for germs. Be sure to regularly clean and disinfect these items.
  10. Hire a professional cleaning company: A professional cleaning company can provide regular deep cleaning services that go beyond daily office cleaning. They can also ensure that all areas of your office are being regularly disinfected and sanitized.

What can you do now?

By following these office cleaning tips, you can create a safer and healthier workplace for your employees. Remember to regularly clean and disinfect all areas of your office, encourage hand hygiene, and consider hiring a professional cleaning company for regular deep cleaning services.

E & J Cleaning Services provides a wide variety of Office Cleaning Services including disinfecting all high touch areas to keep your workplace clean and healthy and your office staff staff!

Create a safe and healthy workplace. Image of a person sanitizing a desk in an office
Professional Office Cleaning for a Safe and Healthy Workplace

Contact us now for a free estimate

Why your business needs a professional commercial cleaning company

Keeping your commercial space clean and hygienic is more important than ever in today’s world. Businesses in Suffolk County, NY are taking extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of their employees and customers. In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of hiring a professional commercial cleaning company, the benefits they offer, and why DIY cleaning is not enough.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Commercial Cleaning Company in Suffolk County, NY

  1. Improved air quality: A professional commercial cleaning company has the expertise and equipment to thoroughly clean and disinfect your workplace, reducing the risk of illness and infection.
  2. Increased productivity: A clean and organized workplace is essential for creating a positive and productive work environment. A professional cleaning company can help create a space where employees will be proud to work.
  3. Professional appearance: A clean and well-maintained workplace is a reflection of your business’s image. A professional commercial cleaning company can help ensure your workplace always looks its best.
  4. Improved employee morale: A clean and healthy workplace can help boost employee morale and reduce absenteeism due to illness.
  5. Extended lifespan of assets and equipment: Regular cleaning and maintenance of your assets and equipment can help to extend their lifespan and reduce repair costs in the long run.

Why DIY Cleaning is Not Enough

While DIY cleaning might seem like a cost-effective option, it’s important to understand the limitations of in-house cleaning practices. In-house cleaning staff may not have the experience or equipment necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect your workplace. This can lead to inadequate cleaning methods, higher risk of damage and accidents, and inconsistent cleaning schedules and practices.

How a Local Commercial Cleaning Company Can Help Your Business

A local commercial cleaning company in Suffolk County, NY can provide customized cleaning plans based on your business’s unique needs. They offer specialized cleaning services for various industries and use eco-friendly and sustainable cleaning products. They can work around your business’s schedule to provide flexible cleaning services and are affordable without compromising on the quality of service provided.

How to Choose the Right Commercial Cleaning Company in Suffolk County, NY

Choosing the right commercial cleaning company is essential to ensuring your workplace is cleaned and maintained to the highest standards. Consider factors such as reputation and experience of the cleaning company, quality of service and customer reviews, safety and insurance certifications, use of eco-friendly and sustainable cleaning practices, and affordability and value for money.


In conclusion, hiring a professional commercial cleaning company in Suffolk County, NY can bring a range of benefits to your business. From improved air quality and employee morale to an enhanced professional appearance of your business, there are numerous reasons to choose a professional commercial cleaning company over in-house cleaning. So why not take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more productive workplace by hiring a professional commercial cleaning company today?

You can learn more about the commercial cleaning services we offer here Commercial Cleaning Services

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does the professional commercial cleaning company ensure the safety and security of the premises during the cleaning process, especially in cases where sensitive or confidential information may be present in the workplace?

The professional commercial cleaning company ensures the safety and security of the premises during the cleaning process through several measures. First and foremost, they employ trained and vetted cleaning staff who understand the importance of confidentiality and respect for the client’s property. These staff members undergo background checks and receive training on handling sensitive information securely.

Additionally, the company implements strict protocols for access control and supervision during cleaning sessions. They may limit access to specific areas or use secure locking mechanisms to safeguard sensitive areas. Cleaning staff are instructed to refrain from accessing or disturbing areas where confidential information is stored unless specifically instructed to do so.

Furthermore, the cleaning company may require employees to sign confidentiality agreements as part of their employment contracts, further emphasizing the importance of maintaining confidentiality while on the client’s premises.

In cases where there is highly sensitive information present, the cleaning company may also offer additional security measures, such as assigning dedicated cleaning teams to sensitive areas or providing specialized training on handling confidential materials.

Overall, the professional commercial cleaning company prioritizes the safety and security of the client’s premises and takes proactive steps to ensure that sensitive or confidential information is protected during the cleaning process.

Are there any specific measures or protocols in place to address concerns related to environmental sustainability beyond the use of eco-friendly cleaning products, such as minimizing water usage or reducing carbon emissions associated with cleaning operations?

Yes, besides utilizing eco-friendly cleaning products, professional commercial cleaning companies often implement various measures and protocols to address concerns related to environmental sustainability.

These may include:

Water Conservation: Implementing strategies to minimize water usage during cleaning operations, such as using microfiber cleaning cloths that require less water, utilizing water-saving equipment like low-flow faucets and sprayers, and employing techniques like spot cleaning rather than extensive wet cleaning where possible.

Energy Efficiency: Utilizing energy-efficient cleaning equipment and machinery, such as vacuum cleaners and floor scrubbers with high-efficiency motors or automatic shut-off features to reduce energy consumption. Additionally, scheduling cleaning tasks during off-peak hours to minimize energy usage from lighting and heating systems.

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Implementing waste reduction strategies, such as using reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable wipes, segregating recyclable materials from waste streams, and partnering with waste management companies to ensure proper recycling and disposal of waste materials generated during cleaning operations.

Green Cleaning Practices: Adopting green cleaning practices beyond just using eco-friendly products, such as employing environmentally friendly cleaning methods like steam cleaning or dry cleaning that require fewer chemicals and less water, and using concentrated cleaning solutions to reduce packaging waste and transportation emissions.

Carbon Emission Reduction: Implementing measures to reduce carbon emissions associated with cleaning operations, such as optimizing cleaning routes to minimize travel distances between client locations, using fuel-efficient vehicles or alternative transportation methods, and offsetting carbon emissions through participation in carbon offset programs or initiatives.

Overall, professional commercial cleaning companies often strive to integrate sustainable practices into their operations beyond simply using eco-friendly products, with a focus on minimizing resource consumption, reducing waste generation, and mitigating environmental impact throughout the cleaning process.

Can the cleaning company accommodate special requests or provide additional services beyond standard cleaning, such as post-construction cleanup, event cleaning, or emergency response services, and if so, what are the procedures for arranging such services and any associated costs?

Yes, professional commercial cleaning companies typically offer additional services beyond standard cleaning, such as post-construction cleanup, event cleaning, and emergency response services. These services are often tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and may require customized arrangements.

To arrange special services, clients can typically contact the cleaning company directly to discuss their requirements and receive a customized quote. The process may involve outlining the scope of work, scheduling considerations, and any unique requirements or preferences.

For post-construction cleanup, the cleaning company may assess the extent of the cleaning required based on the nature of the construction project and the condition of the premises. This could involve removing construction debris, dusting surfaces, cleaning windows, and restoring the space to a clean and safe condition.

Event cleaning services may be arranged for occasions such as corporate events, conferences, or special gatherings. The cleaning company can coordinate with the client to ensure the venue is cleaned before and/or after the event, including tasks such as floor cleaning, restroom sanitation, trash removal, and any other necessary preparations or cleanup.

In the case of emergency response services, the cleaning company may have protocols in place to address urgent cleaning needs such as spills, floods, or other unexpected incidents. Clients can typically contact the cleaning company’s emergency hotline or designated point of contact to request immediate assistance. The cleaning team will then mobilize quickly to assess the situation, mitigate any hazards, and commence cleaning and restoration efforts as needed.

Associated costs for these additional services can vary depending on factors such as the scope of work, the size of the premises, the level of cleaning required, and any specialized equipment or materials needed. The cleaning company will typically provide a detailed estimate or quote based on the specific requirements discussed during the consultation process.